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“إنفينيتي” تنوي عرض تقنيات قيادة ذاتية على الطرق السريعة في الموديلات القادمة

المربع نت – إنفينيتي تفكر في تقديم خصائص قيادة ذاتية على الطرق السريعة لمعظم موديلاتهم القادمة، متفوقة على منافسيها المنشغلين حاليا بتطوير تقنيات مماثلة، وأعلن عن الأخبار رئيس الشركة نفسه، رولاند كروجر.
إنفينيتي تقوم حاليا بوضع نظام القيادة الكهربائية في موديل السيدان Q50، والذي يعتبر انطلاقة مبدئية لنظام القيادة الذاتية فوق سرعة ستين كيلو في الساعة على الطرق السريعة، ومن المتوقع استخدام الشركة لهذا التكنيك في المنتجات المستقبلية، ما يسمح بإطلاق تقنيات القيادة الذاتية في السوق.
الشركة للام للإنفينيتي نيسان أيضا تخطط لتوسيع استثماراتها في تقنيات القيادة الذاتية في الصين، بداية بإطلاق شركات صاعدة في مجال النقل في بكين وشانغهاي وهونج كونج.
حتى الآن، تيسلا هي الشركة الوحيدة التي تعرض خصائص القيادة الذاتية على الطرق السريعة، بينما تعرض مرسيدس وبي إم دبليو تقنيات نصف ذاتية في بعض موديلاتهم، ولكن لا ينوون عرض تجارب ذاتية بالكامل على الطرق السريعة.

Infiniti Q50 models equipped with the 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo 400 hp engine are designated as the Q50 Red Sport 400 and feature unique staggered 19-inch aluminum-alloy wheels and 245/40R19 front/265/35R19 rear summer performance run-flat tires, as well as unique exhaust tips. These changes help to assert the car’s performance credentials and add to its aggressive, confident aura.

Infiniti Q50 models equipped with the 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo 400 hp engine are designated as the Q50 Red Sport 400 and feature unique staggered 19-inch aluminum-alloy wheels and 245/40R19 front/265/35R19 rear summer performance run-flat tires, as well as unique exhaust tips. These changes help to assert the car’s performance credentials and add to its aggressive, confident aura.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

The Infiniti Q50S 3.0t featured a new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine – the most advanced V6 engine that Infiniti has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency and performance.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2015) – Infiniti’s new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine is the most advanced V6 engine that the brand has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency, and performance. The 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo is an all-new engine from the new and exclusive VR-series powertrain family, born out of the brand’s longstanding heritage of V6 powertrain production. The new engine has been engineered to empower the driver and offer increased power and torque and higher levels of efficiency than any comparable predecessors from the company.

NASHVILLE (Dec. 15, 2015) – Infiniti’s new compact, lightweight 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine is the most advanced V6 engine that the brand has ever offered, striking an ideal balance between drivability, efficiency, and performance. The 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo is an all-new engine from the new and exclusive VR-series powertrain family, born out of the brand’s longstanding heritage of V6 powertrain production. The new engine has been engineered to empower the driver and offer increased power and torque and higher levels of efficiency than any comparable predecessors from the company.

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